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What is HTML? How to code for it?

What is HTML??

HTML is an awesome markup language which is used to create a website You can further know about a website in our previous post. Html can be assisted with CASCADING STYLE SHEET (css) and JAVASCRIPT (js) for making our pages dynamic. html is easiest language which you will find ever in your future.

How to code for it???

In order to code for html... you need a text editor for code and browser for viewing its preview. some softwares are designed specially for these purposes. You may use VS code editor, sublime text editor etc for pc or computers or ypu may use acode, anwriter, anacode in mobile devices.

What is important in HTML language???

<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


As you may see above keywords inside < > are known as tags and <tag attribute="value"> 'attribute' is the attribute name which you will use in future and value is the value inside it. and content after < > is the details which is shown in content

You can further learn more about another tags and attributes in our another posts. Tags and attributes are very easy things to know about with their works.

Below link will work if it will be activated

Click here to get our first post about html Tags


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